CKNZ Kart Register

The following are CKNZ Kart number plates and their respective kart and owners. These must be displayed on a black plate (or black background) to avoid cross-over with VKNZ karts (white or yellow plates) It is not mandatory to have a CKNZ number plate IF you already have a VKNZ log booked number plate. If a kart owner has an existing kart that is log booked with VKNZ and is wanting to change to a CKNZ plate then that owner gets priority on that number (the owner must also be an active CKNZ club member).However if they intend on retaining their white / yellow VKNZ plate, then that number becomes available for use on a black CKNZ plate. Otherwise numbers are allocated on a first in first served basis. Numbers must be numeric, not start with a 0, and be between 1 and 999.

Note there are some karts with the same number on VKNZ log, there will be a first in first served on that number for CKNZ (as numbers must be unique)

To allocate your number, send your kart make, model, year and number plus owners name via the kart registration form (check the register below to ensure the number has not been taken already!)

CKNZ Kart Number Register

1 Mark Prowse Zip Silverstone 1972
2 Peter Herbert Margay Cheetah M111 1973
3 Caine McGregor Dean McKenzie 1993
4 Richard Simmonds Azzurro M4 1989
5 Rhod Murray Kiwikart FXR 1996
6 Joanne Hyndman Kiwikart FX 1991
7 Kerry Moore Kiwikart FX 1990
8 Richard Simmonds Azzurro Z3 1998
9 Maurice Leonard Zip Mirage 1973
10 Ryan Molloy Kiwikart FX 1990
11 Grant Gedye Kiwikart Uno 1993
15 Gary McFadyen Kiwikart SL 1987
16 Dean Sinton Rimmer 1993
18 Cameron Guy Kiwikart EX 1988
22 Dave Niethe Kiwikart EX 1985
25 Gary McFadyen Swiss Hutless Compet. International 1987
33 Stewart Stevenson Tony Kart Extreme 1998
34 Peter Herbert Birel R5 1991
38 Stuart Sowersby Kiwikart International 1995
40 Jason Molloy Kiwikart Uno 1993
44 James Ingram Kiwikart FX 1993
45 Alec Cantlay Kiwikart EX 1987
47 Alec Cantlay Demon X8 1989
48 Alec Cantlay Swiss Hutless Corsa 1992
50 Maurice Leonard Swiss Hutless Flash 1984
51 Mark Cowley Kiwikart FXR Pro 2022 (retro)
52 Brendon Smith Kiwikart EX 1986
55 Lachie Cook Swiss Hutless Evolution 1997
66 Michael Cullum CRG Detroit 1997
67 Peter Day DAP Greyhound 1986
68 Wayne Billings Dart Grand Prix 1968
69 Peter Day FKR FKR 1994
70 Peter Herbert Yamaha RC100SD 1989
71 Brendan Lester Rimmer Prototype 1992
73 Kent Perkins Arrow AX5 1993
74 Michael Cullum Hart 1983
77 Dave Niethe Zip (NZ copy) GT 1977
79 Wayne Billings Kiwikart EX 1986
84 Bella Leonard Kiwikart Uno 1993
89 Brody Hyndman Kiwikart SL 1986
91 Mike Dickins Kiwikart FX 1990
93 Neil Hyndman Wright Braga 1995
97 Paul Cook CRG Daytona Heron 1999
99 Michael Cullum CRG Maximo 2003
106 John Mitchell Kiwikart Uno 1995
109 Andrew McIvor Kiwikart Uno 1995
125 Dave Niethe Bishop Eagle B85i 1984
137 Caine McGregor Kiwikart Uno 1993
147 Dennis Leonard Arrow AX5 1992
151 Caine McGregor Rimmer RB5 1991
166 Grant Gedye Kiwikart Uno 1995
167 Marie Kyte Yamaha RC100 1978
195 Jaden Ingram Kiwikart FX Pro 1993
203 James Ingram CRG Daytona Heron 1999
204 Sam Henry Arrow AX5 1994
247 Grant Gedye Bishop Eagle 1985
250 Roger Godwin Rimmer 1997
267 Ken Kyte Yamaha SD 1989
373 Leighton Taylor Rimmer K100 1993
303 Phillip Niethe Arrow AX6 Twin 1996
406 Phil Williamson Rimmer 1993
435 Peter Herbert Bug Sprint 1968
447 James Ingram Kiwikart FX 1990
555 Paul Cook MBA Promo 2004
673 Ken Kyte Tony Kart Pole Position 1986
694 Phillip Niethe John Pizarro Sprinter 043 1992
695 Phillip Niethe John Pizarro Sprinter 023 1988
777 Grant Gedye Karlsson Supertwin 1980
802 Michael Cullum Arrow AX5 1995
811 Dan Guy Omega Magic 1991